Chin Filler Turkey

Chin filler turkey,  jawline filling, is an aesthetic procedure that is frequently preferred and applied especially by women today. During this procedure, various procedures are applied to the patient’s jawline and the patient’s aesthetic appearance is corrected as desired by the patient. Chin filling is a procedure applied to the jawline. The jawline is the line starting from the tip of the chin and extending from the right side and from the left side to the ears. This procedure is frequently preferred and applied especially by women today.

Nowadays, it is known to everyone that people, regardless of gender, attach great importance to their appearance and undergo various aesthetic operations to make themselves look their best. How the external appearance is perceived by other people, more precisely, the general perception of beauty that people have is Hollywoodized today, and people who are outside the perception of beauty undergo operations to be included in this perception framework. Chin filling is a procedure that creates a long pointed jawline to fit the perception of aesthetic beauty and is a procedure preferred by many people.

What is Chin Filling (Jawline)?

Jawline filling is an aesthetic procedure especially preferred by women. It is preferred by people who do not have pointed and long jawlines, which is one of the socially accepted beauty norms today.

Looking beautiful or feeling beautiful and being accepted as beautiful by other people is an important factor that positively affects people’s self-confidence and, in parallel, their living conditions. However, people who do not have features within the framework of the existing perception of beauty in society need to have various procedures to enter this perception of beauty and to be accepted as beautiful. This procedure is applied to the jawline. The jawline consists of the lines extending from the tip of the chin to the ears as the right and left facial line. After the procedure, the person has the assertive and sharp appearance they desire.

What Does Jawline Mean?

Jawline, a word of English origin, involves an aesthetic procedure that targets the jawline. The person undergoing the procedure gets an aesthetic jaw that is assertive and sharp in appearance. Jaw filling is a procedure that is frequently preferred and applied especially by women today. While the jawline with a round or oval appearance offers a sympathetic appearance, the facial expression of the person becomes more attractive after the procedures applied on the jawline. Jawline procedure is preferred and applied by people who want to achieve this appearance.

There are different factors that form the jawline area, that is, the shape of the jawline in the facial area. These factors include the person’s heredity, the fat content in the body and the shape of the bone structure. The person can get the desired appearance on the jawline formed by the effect of these factors with this procedure which leaves no scars.

Who is having it done?

The Jawline procedure is an aesthetic practice which does not leave any scars in the treated area after the procedure. After this procedure, the person achieves the desired aesthetic appearance in a short time. Therefore, it is a frequently preferred procedure. So who chooses to have a jawline application? Let’s explain briefly. The jawline aesthetic filling method is applied to the following people as a method to the lower face area of the chin:

  • People with short and nondescript chins
  • People with a double chin area that occurs in situations such as sagging due to age or various reasons.
  • People with wrinkled necks.
  • People with a round face line and a hard and pointed facial appearance
  • People with disproportionate lip and chin harmony
  • People with sagging, etc. that occur in the cheek area with advancing age.
  • People with a short jawline
  • People with volume loss in the jawline
  • People with narrow chin tips
  • People with an asymmetrical looking jawline
  • It is a procedure applied to people with a receding jawline.

Chin filling, which is a frequently preferred procedure today, is especially preferred by women. It is a frequently s preferred and applied procedure to achieve the desired aesthetic look.

How is Jawline Chin Filler Procedure done?

The areas to be treated are decided before starting the filling procedure. The areas to be treated are selected together with the patient by considering the recommendations of the specialist doctor who will perform the procedure. Local anesthetic creams are applied to the area to be treated before the procedure so that the patient does not feel pain. The filler that is most suitable for the patient is selected and injected under the skin in the area to be treated. The person can return to his daily life and work life immediately after the jawline, that is, chin filling procedure. After the procedure, the patient must come to the checkup session on the dates determined and deemed appropriate by the specialist doctor.

The patient should protect himself from the extreme heat of the sun for a while after the filling procedure. Excessive heat after the filling procedure causes the filling to disseminate. Therefore, heat from hot showers and the hot sun heat should be avoided for a while after the procedure.  The patient should not exercise intensively, be careful about weight gain or loss, and avoid engaging in strenuous activities to avoid harming the filling. After the procedure, the patient should strictly follow the doctor’s post-procedure recommendations. If these recommendations are not followed, the shape of the filling may deteriorate and the result may fail. Therefore, the process after the procedure is very important.

What Materials are used for Filling?

The filling materials preferred for jawline application are generally the materials used in chin filling procedures. The materials preferred during the procedure should contain a material with high lifting properties. Hyaluronic Acid is generally preferred as filler. Since hyaluronic acid is a substance that is also present in the human body, it prevents patients from having any allergic concerns after the filling procedure. In addition, filling materials containing calcium hydroxyapatite, the main substance of bone structure, can also be used for the chin filling procedure. Since both Hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite are natural substances in the body, they do not cause any harm to the patient and do not cause any side effects.

Why is Jawline application done?

The current perception of beauty consists of socially accepted norms. People whose facial features do not fall within the general perception of beauty undergo operations to make their facial features fit the general perception of beauty. It is a procedure applied to make the jawline of the person more prominent and sharp after the procedure. People who do not have a firm, prominent and sharp jawline undergo procedures related to jawlines to comply with the general perception of beauty.

After the chin filling procedure, people achieve the aesthetic appearance they want. After these procedures, the facial features of the person become more elegant, symmetrical and proportional. The procedure is not an application that requires surgery or a surgical procedure. Therefore, people have the desired procedures and continue their daily life in a short time after the procedure.

The general reason for the application of the procedure is to achieve the aesthetic appearance that people desire. After the procedure, when people achieve the appearance they want, there are positive developments in both their living conditions and self-confidence.

Why Do We Need Chin Fillers?

Looking good is extremely important, especially for women. Looking beautiful to other people, conforming to the general perception of beauty makes people feel that they are who they are.

The jawline is one of the most effective parts of the facial features. In addition, the shape and form of the jaw directly affects the facial beauty and the harmony of the face, making the person look more or less beautiful than they are. Genetic factors, environmental factors, aging, etc. can cause the chin and chin tip to be far from its ideal shape. This disrupts the harmony and aesthetic proportion of the person’s face.

The chin filling procedure applied to patients allows the person to gain the required form with the chin, mask structural disorders or shape the chin to compliment the face shape as a filling procedure without the need for surgery. With this method, people achieve the aesthetic appearance they desire without the need for any surgical procedure.

What are the Advantages of Chin Filling?

Chin filling procedure has many different advantages. With a very simple and painless procedure, it allows many deformities in the chin caused by various reasons to be corrected in a single session. The fact that the procedure is a non-surgical method is one of the biggest advantages that distinguishes the procedure from other aesthetic applications. The advantages of chin filling can be listed as follows:


  • Since it is a non-surgical procedure, it does not require anesthesia, surgical intervention and recovery periods.
  • The procedure is performed in a short time. Therefore, it does not take much of the patient’s time.
  • After the procedure, the patient achieves a younger look by clarifying the patient’s jawline.
  • During the procedure, a more aesthetic appearance is achieved by creating a chin that is compatible with the patient’s face shape.
  • It is a procedure that allows the ideal chin shape to be created in a single session for those with a receding chin tip.
  • The filling process gives a more pleasant expression to the face, allowing people to achieve an aesthetic appearance.
  • Since it is not a surgical intervention it does not require hospitalization.
  • The possibility of complications after the procedure is negligible.

The chin filling procedure, which does not require surgery and enables the elimination of deformities in the jaw in as little as 15 minutes, is one of the most preferred and applied aesthetic applications today.

Which Aesthetic Problems Are Treated With Chin Fillers?

There are many reasons why chin filling, which is a procedure generally preferred for aesthetic beauty concerns, is preferred. Generally the procedure is done to remedy:

– sagging  on the jawline

– Deep and disturbing dimples on the tip of the chin

– The chin tip is asymmetrical and bothers the person

– The person has a receding jawline

– Loss of prominence of the jawline

People who have the above complaints resort to jawline filling. It is generally applied to treat  aesthetic concerns. The jaw is one of the most effective areas that make facial contours clear. Therefore, it is a procedure preferred by people to achieve the aesthetic appearance they desire, and it is also preferred to eliminate problems in the jawline.

How long does the Chin Filler Application take?

Anesthetic cream is applied to the area to be treated before starting the chin filling treatment procedure. After the cream is applied, it takes about 30 minutes for the application area to become numb. After the area is numb, the chin filling takes about 15 minutes to apply on average. After the chin filling procedure is performed, the patient can continue his daily life from where he left off.

The filling procedure applied to the chin area is usually applied in a single session. The filling procedure is usually done in a short time. It is a procedure that does not require a surgical procedure or surgery and is completed in just 15 minutes. If local anesthesia is applied to the application area, it takes about half an hour for the numbness to set in. Slight redness may occur in the treated area after the procedure is applied to the patient. In this case, the redness that occurs after the procedure will fade within a few hours and disappear over time. Even if the permanence of the filler injected during the filling procedure in the chin area varies depending on the filling material, fillers containing hyaluronic acid usually have a permanence of 1-2 years.

What Should Be Considered After Chin Filling?

The procedure is performed by starting to fill from the tip of the chin and along the jawline to the ear level. Thus, the patient’s chin contour and shape become more prominent. It is important to be careful before and after the filling procedure, which offers the patient an aesthetic appearance and a strong chin structure. It is very important to pay attention to different considerations after the procedure and follow the recommendations of the specialist doctor.

The chin filling procedure, which can be applied to both men and women, is performed as a result of reasons such as asymmetry in the jawline, sagging in the lower part of the chin, receding chin, etc.

The effect of chin filling starts to be seen immediately after the procedure, and patients should pay attention to certain things for the first few days after the procedure. After the procedure, the creams or medications given by the specialist doctor should be used regularly. If the recommendations and suggestions of the specialist doctor are not carried out after the procedure, the filling can dissolve. In addition, exposure to excessive sun and hot showers should be avoided for the first 24 hours after the procedure.

What deformities are observed in the chin area?

Patients can have deformities in the jaw due to various causes and factors. These deformities can be listed as follows:

  • Lack of volume in the chin area due to various reasons.
  • The chin is too small and receding due to genetic factors
  • The line of the patient’s jawline is unclear
  • The jaw is asymmetrical and deformed
  • Sagging under the chin due to advanced age.
  • The patient has a jaw shape that is not in harmony with the face

People who experience problems such as these can have a chin filling procedure to eliminate these problems and achieve the aesthetic appearance they want. This procedure is a preferred by people to both eliminate their existing structural disorders and regain their good looks.

Those who have Chin Fillers

Although the people who have this procedure usually have it done due to aesthetic concerns, it is also preferred by those with jaw problems. After the procedure, the patient gets rid of the existing jaw problems and achieves the aesthetic look they want. After the application, the patient can return to his/her daily life in a short time.

What are the Side Effects of Chin Fillers?

Temporary fillers containing hyaluronic acid are used for Jawline chin filler applications. Since this filler is a substance found in the human body and is suitable for human biology, the risk of complications is almost negligible. However, mild swelling and redness may appear in the injected areas of the patient for a short time immediately after the procedure. This is quite normal and temporary.

Does Chin Tip Filler Create Any Problems in the Chin After It dissolves?

Since the filling materials used are natural and present in the human body, no problems are encountered after the dissolution of the filling. Depending on the genetic and physical characteristics of the patient and environmental factors, the applied chin filler has a permanence period of 6 months or 1 year.

Chin Filler Prices 2024

The price of chin filling varies depending on different parameters and factors. The type of defect in the patient’s chin, the condition of the patient, the permanence of the filling applied and the specialist physician who will perform the procedure are determinants in chin filling prices. In addition, the filling material to be used during the procedure and the structure of the filling is also a very determining factor in terms of chin filling prices. The patient must undergo an examination by a specialist physician  to determine the chin filling price clearly and accurately.

Frequently Asked Questions About Chin Fillers

How Permanent is it?

Chin tip and jawline filling is a procedure performed to adapt to the tissue in the area to be applied and to make the lines prominent, and it is a procedure that allows patients to achieve the aesthetic appearance they desire. The permanence of the filler applied to the patient varies between 12 and 18 months, although it varies from person to person.

Can it be undone?

After the procedure, the fillers applied to the area are absorbed by the body and disappear within an average of 1 to 1.5 years. However, if requested by the patient, the applied fillers can be dissolved earlier.

What is the Return to Work and Social Life like After Jawline Filling?

Jawline filling is a procedure that does not require surgery or surgical incisions. The filling applied to the patient’s jaw area is completed in a short time. After the filling application is finished, the patient can return to social and business life in a short time.

What is the chin’s healing process like?

Chin filling application is a very harmless and side effect-free procedure using hyaluronic acid. However, slight bruising and swelling may occur in the application area after the procedure, and this bruising and swelling disappears in a short time with the help of ice and cream. The full recovery period varies between 1 and 2 weeks when fat injections are used.

Is it Painful?

Special creams are applied to the application area to prevent the patient from feeling pain or discomfort during the procedure.

Can a Young Face Be Achieved with Jawline Fillers?

After the chin filling procedure, the patient’s problems in the area are eliminated, the oval appearance of the facial profile is modified and a more attractive, youthful appearance is achieved.

How Many CCs of Filler Should Be Used For Chin Filling?

The size of the jaw tip varies depending on the position and structure of the patient’s jaw. This procedure is applied in the form of 2 cc/ml or 2 injectors to a normal jaw tip on average.

Does Edema and Swelling Occur?

After the procedure, edema and swelling in the treated area is common and it is normal to experience mild pain, redness, regional bruising, itching and skin rashes etc. This swelling and edema disappears within 48 hours on average.

Are there any surgical incisions?

No incision is made in chin filler application, so the patient can continue their normal activities.